Friday, March 31, 2017

Leon City Tour

Leon Cathedral 

Leon's Cathedral. This church also is known as " light Cathedral " is the biggest in C.A and one of the most beautiful of America,  we can appreciate the architectures inside and outside of the church, Beneath  the church there are many graves that the people with money used to buy one of them even there is the Ruben Dario grave,  the poet more famous of Nicaragua, there are tunnels that connect with others church, they were used to escape the attacks,  the pirates could rescue their  treasure from the other church, there is something attractive is that we can go up to the roof, it is amazing with many bells and we can look at the City, Volcanoes, and the whole landscape.

Ortiz Gurdian Art Gallery. Two colonial buildings shape the Ortiz Gurdian Art Center, here you'll have an encounter with the Occidental art, From the Renaissance, the Baroque, Romanticism to Latin American modernity, indigenous antiquity, and contemporary art.

Ruben Dario Museum. One of the Houses of Ruben Dario is now a museum located in Leon saves his history still keeps its Colonial style with a big yard, with many rooms, there are many things like the Bible, pictures, and books, being there make you feel transported to the period in which the actor lives.

Cerro Negro Volcano. The black hill is a volcano without vegetation very inclined. The last eruption left many ashes and rock around it and two craters. Now the local people have benefited from the last eruption of ashes fortifying the soil for their sowing.  volcano Cerro negro is now a tourist place and one of the main attraction of the volcano is the sand boarding and the canopy and we can also experience the amazing view.

Museum of  myth and legends. Leon has been the city with much history, in this City we Find the Museum of myth and legends. In the past was used as a jail.Now it is a museum where we can find every myth and legend of Nicaragua and some pictures show how the prisoners were tortured.

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