Thursday, March 30, 2017

Granada City Tour

Granada's Archipelago

Visit the Granada's Archipelago Granada Archipelagos located in the southeast of the Nicaraguan population of Granada. The archipelagos are the product of an avalanche of stone and mud that fell from the slopes of the Mombacho volcano, and have become an important tourist spot nationally and internationally and recommends your visit in different tourist publications. In one of them, there is the San Pablo Fortress built to protect the Granada City and many other there are restaurants and hotels. You can spend your weekend and days off enjoying this beautiful place surrounded by water Flora and Fauna.

Granada's Cathedral. This building is one of the most important in Granada, It is the second church built in Granada and It has had five reconstructions, the facade has a neoclassical style of construction,  there are four chapels and we are allowed go up to the of the tower and enjoy the amazing view of the park and the rest of the beautiful city.

House of the three worlds The House of the Three Worlds is a cultural development project that Ernesto Cardenal and Dietmar Schönherr founded in 1989. The "Casa de Los Tres Mundos" Foundation promotes cultural projects with social emphasis in Nicaragua and Central America. In this House, we can find many types of arts like painting, music, dance, theater and a library. This building where is located the House of the three world has many histories like its name is House Lions (Casa de Los Leones) by two rock Lions that are in the gate.

San Francisco convent San Francisco Convent Cultural Center is a museum located next to the ancient Church San Francisco. The museum offers us many historical objects like paints, statues, you can find the history of the Granada City all of this we can find them inside this great museum.

Guadalupe's Church This church was founded in 1624 - 1626 by Fray Benito Baltodano. after was burned by a fire, the church was built again with differents forms, this Church saves its own aspect by inside and outside and it is located on La Calzada Street pretty close to the lake.

Gun Powder Fortress The Fortress was built in 1748 as a supplier of gunpowder. in this place, we can appreciate the view of the City. Volcano Mombacho and the Lake, It was first used as a warehouse to store gunpowder. Later it was used as a quartering and jail, where some episodes of internal fights took place. Today it is a museum and we can go there to know its history, there are some old barrels and even there is a canyon.

La Merced's Church The Merced Church was built in 1534, no far away from the Central Park, it has a tower where is the bell of the church. it has the history the facade is incredible. what really is very fantastic is that you can go up to the roof, there you can appreciate the amazing view of the whole city and many others buildings you can take pictures to the fantastic view and also you can appreciate the view of the volcano, archipelagos, the lake.

Central park Granada. Central Park surrounded by history and culture, It is a fantastic place very peaceful, around it there are many hotels and restaurants, in front of it, is located the main cathedral, and there are many stores where you can get you souvenir, and you can taste the main food of the City (vigoron) a delicious typical food, Central Park a beautiful place to spend with family, friends.

Calzada Pedestrian Street This Street has something special, it is surrounded  by history and culture and has the European aspect, it is really ideal to go at night, here we're going to find many restaurants, it is a relaxing place to spend with the family and friends..


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